Prom transfer is an online payment service where the buyer pays for the order at, and the seller receives the money only after the product is in the buyer's hands. For the buyer, this guarantees that he will not be cheated, and he also saves on reverse cash transfers. The seller does not require any prepayment on the order, too. This is an important strategic task for the company in developing its fintech direction.


Launch Prom transfer. Make it the most popular online payment on

<aside> 👨‍💻 My Role As a UI/UX designer, I have created CJM, designed interface prototypes, and participated in their testing. Was a member of the creative team creating naming and branding


Key learnings


We held a creative session and devised several name options for future online payment. The central insight is that we want to use the power of the brand. Several winning titles have been selected for testing in in-depth interviews.

Customer journey map

I build CJM to move from business logic to the interface. I define the points of contact between the user and the service and note possible barriers to interaction.

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I created a detailed clickable interface prototype for the seller and the buyer's role. To test the naming, I make a copy of the interface for each variant of the service name.